Wednesday, June 18, 2003

The time is drawing nearer for the last shreds of childhood to fall from me. School has ended and all I am left with is an oversided sheet of paper with my name in gothic font and the stamped signature of the president of the university saying that I'm supposed to have rights afforded me by my graduation (yeah right). As if that and the fact that I'm going to work practically every day for the rest of my natural life weren't enough I'm also getting married in just under three months. Fall skin fall. Scrape away the memories to leave only the flame. Somewhere someone wishes for more than this, but I've held it all so tight.

Sorry, kinda fell into verse there. I've got a habit of doing that. So here I sit, at my computer, set up in the living room of my parents' house, uncomfortable chair causing the knot between my shoulder blades to quiver almost rhythmically with the sounds of The Fire Theft, which is an incredible band by the way, everyone must check them out. And even as I sit here I remember why I've fallen away from writing here all the time. It takes me so long to come up with coherent statements to type, and even at that much of what I say I'm sure is decipherable only by me. But really it doesn't matter to me. At this point I'm enoying the simple mental stimulation that writing affords. There was a time when I could pound out page upon page and think nothing of it, but here I am now, a college grad mind you, finding it a study in concentration and determination to put down what I feel. It's a tad pathetic really, but whatever, this is where life has brought me and I will continue to move down the wave that I am riding now.

And that wave is leading to her...

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