Monday, June 24, 2002

It's been a while since I could write here in this place... it's been a while... ACK! Don't ever sing Staind again, Graham.

To go into detail about what has happened to me in the last few weeks would be too hard of a task to undertake. So I will make it short and sweet.

God is doing incredible things here at camp. The staff has not ceased to amaze me with their love and devotion to spreading God's Word to the campers. It will be very interesting to see how the summer pans out. I can only see great things from where I am now.

So I've spent the past several days in a small cabin in the middle of camp with windows only on one side of the buiding planning trips for the next two weeks. The "Trip Locker" as it is so named is a small shack in the middle of camp that houses our, we being the trip leaders, office, if you could call it that. It's more like a command post. We plan and prep here and it is also where all the camp's hiking gear is stowed. What can I say, it's a rough job having to hike in the gorgeous White Mountain National Forest all summer. But hey, somebody's got to do it.

And as such is camp, I am being drawn away by another activity. No rest for the weary.

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