Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sometimes it does not make sense to me, this feeling that I get regarding writing papers. I'm here again, just like yesterday, writing for Judges-Poets. But the difference now is this... I'm going to go over the page limit. At first I worry 'will I have enough to write', and now I worry 'editing back to 10 pages takes too much effort'.

All that might not seem so odd, except for this extrinsic fact, I'm not very verbose. At least when it comes to talking. I say what I want to say and it doesn't take that much time. But when you sit me in front of a keyboard I cannot get my fingers to stop moving. I'm sure I've commented on this somewhere on this blog before, but it never ceases to amaze me.

What would be nice is if people at least enjoy what I have to say. If not...

(I'm sure to post the paper when I am done. let me know what you think)

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