Friday, May 06, 2005

There have been thoughts running around in my head that I have not recently been able to think clearly about... and I think that it mostly comes from not laying them down in some sort of format that I can peruse. And so I write on this blog again. For the past two years I have not written much of anything, but I have a yearning to write again.

Why do stories cause me to cry? What is it about pictures of life put to music affect me so deeply? What is it about these things? I cannot listen to a certain new album I bought without feeling the call to something much more beautiful than my own life. It is for this reason that I believe that God gave us stories in the Bible. Think about it. If all we had in the Bible was a systematic theology that we had to memorize to get this Christian life thing down where would the beauty be.

We would not see pictures of Abram and Sarai packing up all they had a walking into the sunset for a land they had never seen.

We would miss the agony of Job as he lay in ashes, jabbing his boil covered body with broken potsherds as he cries out to God for answers.

Where would the heartwrenching picture of a brokenhearted savior praying his heart out to his father in a dark garden, deserted by his friends.

I need stories. I cannot survive without them. What is my story? I think I lose sight of it sometimes. Maybe I ought to write it sometime.

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