Wednesday, February 13, 2002

What a great joy comes to me when I think that I now only have one little test between me and freedom. It doesn't mean that this nasty cycle of procrastination and cramming will end, only put it on hold for a while. Spring break is going to be so nice... no school, no job, just fun, sun, and makin' out. Does life get any better than this? Can't say one way or the other, but I have a definite case of green grass syndrome.

One really cool thing here though is that I was just putting the final editing touches with some friends on our video, dare I say motion picture?, for the Crusade Film Festival. We are definitely going to kick some major butt. I can't reveal anything here yet though as prying eyes may wish to know about it before it's world premier. Hey, this ain't no Cannes, but it's still a debut.

Things will continue to look up as long as I am doing the same thing. Time with my Almighty has been lacking. Gotta call Dad up if ya know what I mean, I bet he's waiting up for me.

Thought running through my head: why am I so insignificant in the grand scheme of things?

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